Celebrities attending the 2011 QVC Red Carpet Style Party at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA. Kourtney Kardashian (Photo Agency) It's not going to be all reality TV for this girl. Kourtney Kadashian has made her acting debut as a lawyer on One Life to Live, and was apparently kind of good at it.
"[She] nailed her lines," OLTL's Kassie DePaiva says of Kourtney. "She's welcome back anytime!"
Kourtney has talked about how she was fixated on daytime soaps as a kid...and is raving about her experience on OLTL.
"Growing up, I would always pretend to be sick so I could stay home from school and watch One Life to Live!" she tells Us. "It was so much fun!" she added about her experience.
One source of nerves for the star? Kissing actor David Fumero during her guest apperance.
"That made me nervous," she confesses. "But after the kiss, he was like, 'I can't remember my line!'"
Watch out...Kourtney, who brought little son Mason along for her three-hour shooting, might have a legitimate future in soap operas!
"[She] nailed her lines," OLTL's Kassie DePaiva says of Kourtney. "She's welcome back anytime!"
Kourtney has talked about how she was fixated on daytime soaps as a kid...and is raving about her experience on OLTL.
"Growing up, I would always pretend to be sick so I could stay home from school and watch One Life to Live!" she tells Us. "It was so much fun!" she added about her experience.
One source of nerves for the star? Kissing actor David Fumero during her guest apperance.
"That made me nervous," she confesses. "But after the kiss, he was like, 'I can't remember my line!'"
Watch out...Kourtney, who brought little son Mason along for her three-hour shooting, might have a legitimate future in soap operas!