Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kourtney Kardashian Talks Kissing A Girl On The #DontActLikeYouNever Twitter Trend

The newest trend on Twitter, #dontactlikeyounever, is proving to be a perfect snapshot into the minds of our favorite celebrities. Here are a few of our favorites.

@ryanseacres#dontactlikeyounever intentionally didn’t open a new BBM so the person doesn’t know you actually got it.

LOL! When did I act like I didn’t? “@Naira665#dontactlikeyounever kissed a girl ! @KourtneyKardash lol”
@DJPaulyD #dontactlikeyounever Got Caught Looking At Yourself In The Reflection Of Someone Else’s Sunglasses #busted #DJPaulyDSwagg #RespecttheDJ