It’s hard to believe that one of the world’s most stunning women has never been on a date! Usually that statement is reserved for women with like 10 cats and face boils and they are like: "why isn’t anyone asking me out?" and you’re like "aww, get rid of like 7 of those cats and try again."
Anyway, Charlize Theron says she’s never been on a proper date because she’s always in a serious relationship. So she’s never had to deal with the awkward blind date or the "wow-you-looked-different-at-the-bar”" date or the "our-friends-think-we’d-like-each-other" date.
Theron was with her partner Stuart Townsend as long as she can remember, well 9 years to be exact, and says they were even calling each other "husband and wife." Before she got with Townsend she was in other long-term serious relationships for 10 years prior. She’s basically been "in relationships" for 20 years.
"I don't think I've actually been on a date with somebody I didn't know. I've been on dates with my boyfriend of course but I've never really dated," Theron tells UK paper, the Daily Mirror.
Since she broke up with Townsend in July of last year, this is the longest she’s ever gone being single.
"I've been in serious relationships from the time I was 19 and I'm single for the first time in my life since then. I had to make a real conscious effort to rediscover myself and it's hard. I'm a creature who has really found her comfort in relationships," admits the actress.
She dated Ryan Reynolds for a bit earlier this year, but other than that her "who-dated-who" profile has like three people. Seriously, according to the internet she has dated three people, ever, which isn’t a bad thing, just a surprising thing, especially when the rest of Hollywood acts like they are in a lifelong episode of "The Bachelor."
She admits that she’s very much over the break-up from Townsend.
"It was sinking but I gave it a fight to try and make it work. That was my priority. I've never re-connected with an ex and I feel that once I'm done I'm really done," she confesses.
Even though she’s never been single till now, she’s taking the "Sex And The City" stance on single-life, and talking about how awesome and empowering it is.
"There's something really powerful in being OK with being alone, especially for women," says Theron.
However, when she was a teen she admits that she was super unpopular and couldn’t get a date to save her life.
"I played the song 'Tears on my Pillow' over and over and I felt like it was the end of the world because I didn't have a boyfriend. It was just so heartbreaking."
Impossible to beleive but True!!!
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