Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kim Kardashian On Coverss

After the W Magazine Kim Kardashian silver paint spread, do you really think the curvy Kardashian reality star has learned her lesson? She apparently thinks so.
Kim Kardashian, who came to prominence in pop culture after a sex tape with her boyfriend at the time surfaced hasn’t just posed nude once but twice. First she took it all off for Playboy, and then she took it all off for W Magazine. One was a men’s mag and one a fashion mag, but when you get right down to it, it’s just Kim naked be it art or nudie pics.
Kim Kardashian W Magazine Nude photos show the reality star is nothing but the text is working on its assets. Inside the pages of W magazine picture naked Kim Kardashian just painted silver. very voluptuous Kim Kardashian showed her to me in these nude photos from the magazine W, but still feels that they are not her best photos.
Apparently, the photographs that came out of Kim Kardashian’s photoshoot with W Magazine weren’t exactly what she expected, if her tearful reaction on ‘Kourtney & Kim Take New York’ was any indication.
Kim was nude but covered in body paint. She thought the people at W Magazine would add more things in to cover her up.
And now Kim says she’s had enough. In the episode of “Kourtney & Kim Take New York” she shared her displeasure.
W magazine Kim Kardashian pics, Kim Kardashian blames her mother for encouraging her to do so.” Go for it. Could not return to ask you this again. Our show has not yet been released. Nobody knows who you are. Do it and have a nice pictures to look at my age,” she argued her mother Kim.