Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why Is Usher Compared To Whitney Houston?

Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with R&B singer Usher.
 According to the , someone close to the singer claims that he's been acting very CRACK-ISH lately. One insider explained, "Usher went down about 4 SIZES. He used to be a size 34 - now he's a 30." The insider continued, "I don't know what's going on. I know he smokes weed and does a lot of Ecstasy ... [I hope] he's not using cocaine."
Another MTO insider who witnessed the R&B singer's recent behavior in Germany was even more direct. The insider explained, "When Usher was on stage he looked and acted like a CRACKHEAD. It's almost like a Whitney Houston concert."

According to the website "You'll see that after he's finished, he clearly starts CRYING!!!!"

Well, I can't beleive that in the end of the video below after he leaves the stage, he starts crying. I have rewinded the video many times and I don't see something like that. He is certainly not in the mood, like he doesn't want to perform. He is really disappointed by his performance and can't face his fans. Definitely a bad moment!Maybe he has a serious personal problem. Watch the video below and feel free to comment.