Haunting new details on Whitney Houston's final days are emerging, and it appears that the singer understood the tragic end was coming. Sources state that Houston was increasingly spiritual and religious because she felt her own end was near.
TMZ reports that Houston told friends that she "really wanted to see Jesus" just days before her death. Houston told pals, "I’m gonna go see Jesus … I want to see Jesus." Sources also said that Houston "felt like her time was coming," so she wanted to praise her savior as much as she could.
Sources claim that Houston was constantly quoting Bible passages, singing psalms and having "intense conversations about Jesus Christ and the afterlife." Houston’s last performance, a duet with Kelly Price, was a rousing rendition of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me." Close sources to the singer claim that the next day, just hours before she died, that Houston was discussing a Bible passage and telling friends, "You know, he’s so cool … I really want to see that Jesus."
The reports, along with findings that an overdose of prescriptions the likely cause, suggest that Houston’s death may have been a suicide (or a self-fulfilling prophecy), but nothing has been confirmed.
If these reports are real, it is kind of weird . I may even call it "creepy". They say that people who are near death, before they die, they have signs like that.
What do you think? Do you beleive that Whitney had a strong spiritual connection with Jesus?
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