Saturday, February 18, 2012

Alicia Keys Pays An Amazing Tribute To Whitney Houston !

Alicia Keys performed at Whitney Houston's funeral, but before she took to the piano, she shared a funny story about their nickname for each other ("Meema") and then Alicia says:

"I was just thinking about the wya it's so obvious that she just crept into everybody's heart.

The way that she just was such a beautiful human being. Really, really caring, beautiful, thoughtful human being. Call you for no reason at all, just to say hi. That's rare, I think, sometimes. I feel like in so many ways she reached back to so many people ... made us feel strong and capable and loved ... she's an angel to us."

Keys then performed "Angel," which was a fitting tribute. She stumbled a bit at times, trying to fight back her tears from falling , which made it all the more moving. 

Photo taken from the