Friday, December 30, 2011

Did Beyonce Give Birth??

The web is literally buzzing with rumours about Beyonce's impending labor pains. There have been reports that she's in labor, that she's checked into a New York City hospital and some outlets have even suggested she's already given birth!!!

If you're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the most anticipated offspring in Show Biz, make this your new homepage.

                                                  As everyone sits and waits for Jay-Z to scream  from the top of his lungs that their little child has finally arrived, the website has taken this opportunity to tell everyone to relax, because there is no baby yet.

Following Beyonce's pregnancy announcement during her MTV Video Music Award show performance, which set a Twitter record for 8868 tweets per second, websites and Twitter handles dedicated to the couple's unborn baby began popping up all over the place.

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